God likes nomads.
Earlier this month we had to give up a house we had rented in the community of Las Palmas. Since 2013, our team has rented this place to house visiting teams and interns, to hold Bible studies and kids’ clubs, and to store church supplies (since we have no building).
But the owner contacted us to tell us that they had to leave their other house, and so they needed this one to live in.
So, we moved out of the house, affectionately known as “Kerpis” (after the street name), and temporarily farmed out the furniture and supplies to various people’s houses. We do hope to rent again, but for now, the ministry has no permanent location.
In some ways, we could see the providence of the move. Although it’s obviously inconvenient, we’ve been enjoying doing our Bible study at alternate locations.
Two of the families in the church have locations that are very conducive to our Friday night study. And the bonus is, we’re connecting (and in some cases reconnecting) with some of the kids in another area of Las Palmas.
Shari is encouraged to see what the kids are learning at the Friday study. They’re really interested and asking great questions. God does some interesting things when you’re nomadic!
Tomorrow I’ll be going alone to preach at a sister church about an hour north of here, while Shari and Hannah help with the Sunday School in Las Palmas. We certainly would appreciate your prayers as we share the gospel at two locations tomorrow!
By the way, we need Bibles! If you would like to help with one or two, check here for details and contact us ASAP.
22 April 2018 @ 12:46 am
Lord, may your Word not return to you empty as this family teaches it in two separate locations tomorrow.