“Camping Out”
Well, that was different. When we arrived at the venue to set up for the Sunday service, on the place where we put our “stage” was – a tent. With people sleeping in it.
So, we swept the floor around them, started setting up sound equipment around them, and eventually they “took up their beds (and tent) and walked”. They should have stayed for the service – they could have had a comfortable place from which to hear God’s Word! 😀
Well, anyway, apart from that surprise, the service went fairly well. We had the first spiritual discernment study, laying some important foundations for the topic. Our friend Oscar preached on the first part of Hebrews 13, and did a good job (yes, Hebrews 13! – can you believe it? – we’re nearing the end of the book!).
The only glitch was a computer problem, which meant no PowerPoint. But we made do.
Speaking of camping out, we have our annual Mexico field conference this week, for missionaries in our mission… in Mexico. Now, we usually stay in what you would call a hotel – but these are more rustic and basic than most you’ve probably stayed in (in Canada or the USA). Which is usually fine.
But this year the place we were going to stay in is undergoing renovations – which means they’ve moved us to their fancier newer hotel. So we won’t exactly be roughing it this year, as far as I can tell. But since we don’t have to pay any extra, we won’t complain!
Apart from a time for fellowship, worship, and Bible teaching, there will be another benefit to this year’s conference. This is our first conference as Avant missionaries. And so we’ll be meeting some new members of the family this time – Avant people from other parts of the world.
Since we’re at our conference from Tuesday to Friday, it was rather amusing to see the weather report for the area:
But we’re not complaining. After all, every one of those numbers is an improvement over Calgary’s weather. 😀
On Saturday we’re looking forward to our next hermeneutics class too. So we’re hoping for a good week!