Utilities, Insurance, and Rent…
Of paperwork and bills there is no end… And it’s felt even more endless the past few days!

But that’s not to say it’s all bad news. Let’s talk vehicle insurance, for example.
We’ve been trying to get our vehicle insurance worked out almost since the beginning of the year. I won’t go into all the details, but basically there was just a small error on the policy which we were trying to get fixed. And it just wasn’t happening.
But thanks to the help of a friendly insurance agent here in Ixtapaluca, we were finally able to get it all worked out and paid for. So that is a tremendous load off our minds.
Although now I have to continue with the van repairs I’ve been working on.
But let’s talk about one of our utility bills. So, once upon a time we paid our power bill, a significant amount of money. And for whatever reason our payment just didn’t show up in the company’s system.
Don’t worry, though. We had our proof of payment. I talked to someone in the office. I showed them the proof of payment. They agreed – yes, there it is, your proof of payment. But – hmmmmm. It’s not in our system. Your power will be shut off any time. You still have power? Really? Wow.
So the weeks passed. So the months passed. I went into their office several times. Talked with four or five different agents, some more than once. Talked to one or two people from the company on the phone. Emailed a couple of times. We waited for the fateful day when our power would be shut off (which hasn’t come yet).
For a while the company called us practically on a daily basis, as I remember – robocalls, kindly inviting us to come to the office and pay. Warning us of the imminent power shut-down.
When I went into the office to pay new bills at the machines, the machines finally stopped letting me pay directly. “Look!” said the computer. “You have this outstanding amount that you need to pay too! Pay that first!”
So, I would find an agent to help me bypass this directive.
Well, this past week I went in, and paid – no problem! Has the issue been resolved? Well, I went to the website and can’t tell. Apparently they’ve changed their website all around.
But I think it’s simply that it has been a year – yes, a year – and the system has given up on trying to convince me that I didn’t pay. At least for now.
So – good news—- ?
And then comes our house, in general (well, not our house – we rent). Today a family came with a real estate agent to look at the house to see if it was what they were looking for. Well, they seemed fairly impressed, but who knows?
So – we may get marching orders soon telling us to move out. Or —- ? Who knows. We’ll try to let you know if there’s more news!
Lots of fun, as always, with paperwork and bills! And if we have to move, no doubt there will be more complexity to come….. !