Bible Books on the Wall
We’ve recently started up a general Bible study for the church in Las Palmas. We had a packed house for the first lesson, and we had some fun with these little Bible posters…

That’s the Old Testament above, and the New Testament to the right. Each poster has the name of the book, the language it is written in, the first and last words of the book, the estimated date, a keyword (theme), the author, and the length of the book (the thick line at the bottom), and sometimes a little more information. It’s fun to be able to see all this at a glance.
We originally used these posters for a special service at the church in Jesús María, and I had the books divided up into sections. But I didn’t really have the time (or space!) to do it this time.
Upon popular request I created a file with all the books together, so hopefully I’ll be able to use that at En la Biblia so that others can make use of them.
Our first two studies went well, with a lot of discussion about the sufficiency of Scripture, God’s involvement in His Creation, attacks on the Bible – we have an intelligent group which definitely tends to push the discussion to a deeper level!
We would appreciate your prayers for these studies, especially that more of the newer people at the church would join us.
Speaking of studying the Bible, I’m currently having my mind blown by John 5 as I prepare to preach on the healing of the man at the Pool of Bethesda, and Jesus’ subsequent teaching. Jesus certainly has a way of saying just the right thing in just the right way – please pray that He would be exalted as we continue our study of the Gospel of John!
As is the case, no doubt, with your own church, our church is facing many challenges from many directions. But God continues to teach and guide, and remind us that He is with us.
Thanks for your prayers!