Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. ~Psalm 119:73~ 2017-08-21
Watched some of the (here partial) solar eclipse in Nathanael's pinhole box. Very clear (unlike blurry pic, which d…
Made 5 stops today to pay 4 bills. You can guess what they other stop was for. Mexican life may be a little different than Canadian life. 2017-08-22
In Canada, there's the Tooth Fairy. In Mexico, the Tooth Mouse. Nathanael was given this container at the dentist t…
Last week 9 of us from our church in Las Palmas went up to the northern part of our state for a men’s retreat. This tends to be an annual event, put on by the churches in our “circuit” in the Mexico City area.
In the end, 77 men were at the retreat. Two – or was it three? made first time confessions of faith! And we were all challenged in a number of areas.
In the pictures you can see the chilly pool, and three of the guys working on lunch – slicing cactus and onions to grill along with the meat for lunch. Each church brought their own food for lunch.
Anyway, it was great to hang out and have some conversations and also to hear some of the men share on Sunday about their time.
Now it’s back to other work. I think we’re mostly done with visa paperwork for the time being, as of today. So it’s a matter of waiting for a while.
And we’re getting ready for the school year to start, and for upcoming Bible studies and the Sunday service. I’ll be preaching on Sunday, finishing our “summer section” of the book of Mark (Jesus’ last day of travel before arriving in the area of Jerusalem for his final days before the cross).
Ten years ago today, at 7:49am – Hannah and Nathanael were heading off to their first day of school – all in Spanish – at Colegio del Bosque in Cuernavaca. Here they are, all ready with uniforms and backpacks.
Shari and the Sunday School kids reciting verses last Sunday.Sometimes life is like that. As much as it would be nice to focus your energy on one thing, instead you have to run madly off in all directions!
So that’s what life is like right now, as I take just a moment to take a breath and write you a note.
So what are just a few (seriously, only a few) of the things we’re dealing with right now? Well, getting ready for the school year (Was that book shipped? How are we getting those books to Mexico? It will cost how much??), doing paperwork for visas (Sign this please. And this and this. We need pictures taken – when can we schedule that? Why is this number missing on this document? It will cost how much??), household stuff (Uh oh, that’s falling apart – fix it or replace it? How are we going to find time to deal with those leaks? And those ones?), Sunday service prep (Songs ready? Sunday school materials organized?), preparing for the fall (When are we going to get ready for those studies? Actually, when are we going to have those studies? Who can fill in while so-and-so is away? How can we involve so-and-so?), and a myriad of other concerns (Yes, we should go to the dentist. We need to pick that up, drop that off – why didn’t that shipment come? I was supposed to pay that bill today. We’re running out of….).
Well – what’s coming up tomorrow? Tomorrow we have a guest speaker – our coworkers and friends from the city of Pachuca are coming to our service. We’re looking forward to seeing them, and all the “regulars”, and to learn together from God’s Word.
Meanwhile – I think I had something I was supposed to do…