It’s one of those times when I have no time to write, but I really should give you a quick update – especially for those of you who are praying!
So – – you can pray for our team mate who has cancer. She has completed another treatment, and Lord willing will be going home today for a while. However, she needs to have another transfusion first. Please pray that she’ll be home soon, and will have a good time of recovery before continuing treatment.
Another couple on our team – Mark and Angélica – were in a car accident (on the way to meet with out team, no less!). They are fine – and the car will be fine eventually. Last I heard they’re just waiting to get the insurance process worked through. So do pray that the car will be repaired soon, and that they can pick it up soon (since it’s in a different city from where they live).
Shari, who was almost better from whatever-nasty-bug we had recently, is sick again. Please pray that she’ll be feeling better soon!
The Camino Mexico Coordinating Team is meeting today and tomorrow in Ixtapaluca. As always, we would appreciate your prayers as we work on things that will impact us as a field.
A team will be coming from Thursday to Tuesday – we appreciate your prayers that God will teach them and use them – and all of us!
After that, there’s a meeting with the leaders of the churches in the Mexico City area – that’s the 11th – we would appreciate your prayers for that as well, as we discuss plans for the future.
On the home front, we’re approaching a whole bunch of deadlines related to Hannah and Nathanael’s school – please pray that they (and we!) can get everything done in time.
What can I say? Crazy days ahead.