VBC Mission Trip Day #5 (from their Vlog to you)
So here’s another video from Nick and the DIF: Family Vlog! It was last Sunday that the team from Valley Bible Church did two concerts – one in Ixtapaluca and one downtown Mexico City.
So here’s another video from Nick and the DIF: Family Vlog! It was last Sunday that the team from Valley Bible Church did two concerts – one in Ixtapaluca and one downtown Mexico City.
Every once in a while there really is a “topic of the week”. This week, it seems to have been the Trinity.
Actually, it was a difficult week, with a lot of sickness in the family. No, no hospitalization, but enough to make it very difficult to get things done. Hopefully we’re on the upswing now.
I had some interesting interactions with people this week. First, someone telling me off for the use of the word “persons” when talking about God. He told me I should only use “biblical phrases”.
Of course, “biblical phrases” is not a biblical phrase. In fact, neither the word “biblical” nor “Bible” can be found in the Bible. Meanwhile, he used chapters and verses (both later additions to the Scriptures), and used all Spanish – not a single Greek or Hebrew word!
So he broke his own rules – and rightly so – in order to summarize and clarify what he meant and what he thought the Bible meant.
I also had a conversation with – appropriately enough, three people at once, who also rejected the biblical teaching about the Trinity. They most helpfully shared several verses showing that there is a distinction between God (the Father) and Jesus (the Son), and I wondered just how much they understood exactly what the Trinity even is.
Probably unwisely, though not ungraciously, I tried to point out that if they’re going to talk to people who believe as I do they should realize that we completely accept that there’s a distinction between Jesus and God the Father – and that this is an argument for the Trinity, not against it.
Knowing God as triune is a doorway into many great truths about our Great God and Saviour. It seems that a lot of us are tempted to be satisfied with a few “vital statistics” about God, and we don’t really want to get to know Him more – ignoring the richness of what He has shared about Himself.
It’s a bountiful experience to worship the Triune God. It’s also a challenge. It seems that we haven’t ever come close to living up to the words of worship that we read in the New Testament – as the writers interweave truths about the Three Persons of the Godhead so skillfully. Do you know a worship song or two anything like this? (emphasis mine)
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
Jude 20-25
Or this?
But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth. To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
I’ve been doing a Bible study with the Sunday morning music group, and – as has been planned for a while – tonight’s topic was the Trinity. We went over the basics, but also looked at the worship of the Triune God.
Something to think about tomorrow – are we worshipping in 3D? Or are we satisfied with a 2 dimensional view of God? The Apostles sure weren’t.
Nick did it again on the fourth day of the visit from the team from Valley Bible Church, and created not one but TWO vlog entries! For more videos, check out the DIF: Family Vlog.
Remember, these videos are good because I had nothing to do with them! 😉
Thanks again to Nick and the DIF: Family Vlog, here is another vlog entry from last Friday (15 July 2016). Thanks, Nick, for sharing! And when are you going to give me more vlogging tips so I can make videos half this good?
Here are two videos about the first two days of the Valley Bible Church missions trip, courtesy Nick and the DIF: Family Vlog! (I had nothing to do with it) 😉
The group of 36 people from Valley Bible Church (one of Rod & Mayra‘s supporting churches) was only here for 6 days, but they sure packed a lot in!
For one thing, they did 5 concerts in 4 days (which included their guest appearance at the 11th anniversary of the Path of Life Bible Church in Santa Barbara). The first concert was in an area known as Cuatro Vientos. A band from both the churches in Ixtapaluca joined together as the opening act – here they are!
The concerts were not without their glitches. In this concert, the cables ran across a street, with cars driving over them. The sound board was in a field, in the open – and yes, it rained.
The second concert was lots of fun because it was in our own neighbourhood. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel with people in our own community.
One mother brought her son up before the concert even started, and he asked me a question about God. Later, Randy (a man from the team) and I had the opportunity to share and pray with a man who came to the concert. At one point, I handed him my Bible so that he could read a passage – and he said he had never held a Bible in his hands before! Needless to say, he left with one of his own.
On Saturday we were in downtown Ixtapaluca. Some ongoing confusion meant that we moved the concert from outside to inside, and started 105 minutes late. But no worries. We had lots of people to help us move cables…
And to help us assemble wheelchairs for those in need (lots of church people helped with that too!)…
And here’s the concert…
Here’s a close-up from Sunday morning…
The team members had a great time with families they were staying with (and we got to host two people – thanks for visiting, Priscilla and Mia!), a great time giving, a great time sharing the Gospel, and a great time singing. We were able to connect with new people, and even get together with people we already knew, through the service of this team. Yes, a short term team can make a difference. And so can you! Thanks for your prayers!
On Sunday they went downtown Mexico City to sing in a historic Methodist church…
Now, I could write and post more (and I will try to post some hi-res photos in our photo gallery when I have a chance). But I have something better.
See that guy? That’s Nick, and he was videotaping the whole time. He has put together some excellent videos from the perspective of a short term missionary here in Mexico City.
So I’m going to try to post one or two videos a day, each evening, for you to enjoy, since Nick is generously sharing his videos on YouTube.
In fact, why not start today? I’ll post again in a few minutes with the video from last Wednesday. Ok, AND a video from last Thursday. That way we’ll be posting exactly a week after the event.
Thanks, Nick!
Oh, also don’t miss this post from Rod: “Immeasurably More!”