Happy C-A-N-A-D-A Day!
Happy Canada Day! Here’s an oldie for all you kids and kids-at-heart out there. (If you’re not reading this at Finding direction, you may need to click over to the site to see the media player below.)
Happy Canada Day! Here’s an oldie for all you kids and kids-at-heart out there. (If you’re not reading this at Finding direction, you may need to click over to the site to see the media player below.)
Today for the second time the community centre, Centro Cultural Tiempo de Vivir, presented wheelchairs to people in need in the community of Jesús María.
Directly across from the community centre is a special needs school. As far as we know, it’s the only one if its kind in the municipality. We haven’t had a lot of contact with the school, but with the opportunity to give wheelchairs to families who need them, the doors opened.
Today was the year-end program for the school, so we were a part of it. Some of the interns and the youth from the church helped to present the chairs. And Mayra Fry even gave a Gospel presentation!
To top off the afternoon, the teachers were trying to send up a small hot air balloon. The grand finale made it into my video below.
Will you pray for the families in this school?
(If you’re not on the blog and can’t see the video, jump to this post on Finding direction to see the video below.)
I’ve uploaded a few photos from the baptisms on Sunday. This year we were able to get pictures and video of every single baptism, so I’ve uploaded a shot of each person, as well as a few general shots.
I’ve just uploaded the photos by number, for fear of spelling someone’s name wrong. 😉
Below is the shot of everyone after the baptisms. Well, all those who were baptized and quite a few people from both churches in behind. Just click on the photo to see the larger version.
I think that everyone was saying "¡Hallelujah!" when the picture was taken. 🙂
Below is some video of the baptismal service and baptisms from this past Sunday (24th of June 2012). The baptisms took place at a water park in Texcoco (see end of post), about an hour north of us.
There were 13 people baptized from Iglesia Bíblica Sendero de Vida Santa Barbara, and 18 baptized from Iglesia Bíblica Sendero de Vida Jesús María.
One of the most amazing things about the day was that four couples were baptized on the same day! That’s just incredible.
Some who had already been baptized saw family members baptized on Sunday – wow! One friend of ours from Sendero SB was telling Shari that her heart was just FULL to see family members obeying the Lord and being baptized!
The video is below. If you’re reading through an RSS feed you may need to jump to the blog page to see the video.
After several days of unusually bad weather, we were wondering what the weather would be like on the day of the service – which would be outside with little shelter. The prediction was rain all day, but as you can see the Lord gave us a beautiful day.
However, just when most people were thinking of leaving, a storm suddenly blew up – so here’s a bonus video to show you what it looked like after the service!
How can we sum up a day like that? It wasn’t just a day. As I said in the service, water baptism reminds us of what has already taken place – what God has already done in the lives of each person. As the Apostle Paul said, speaking not of water baptism but of Spirit baptism…
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body–Jews or Greeks, slaves or free–and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many.
(1Corinthians 12:12-14)
So what else can we say except – Praise the Lord?
Baptism Sunday was amazing! I won’t give you all the details, because I’m busy getting all my photos and video together. Lord willing in the next day or two I’ll have more to post.
But – praise the Lord! – 31 people were baptized from the two Sendero de Vida churches in Ixtapaluca! Amazing! Incredible!