This evening I was at the café with Ismael. We were talking a bit about the upcoming Tuesday night studies, among other things.
Yesterday marked the end of a study especially about parenting. So next week we’ll be restarting the Chronological Bible Study for those who haven’t taken it. For those who have, we’ll be starting a new study.
I was working on this study today, but it was driving me crazy because it had no name. I was going to ask Ismael and José for some ideas tonight, but I just couldn’t stand working on a nameless study any more.
So, in keeping with my new theory that everything’s better with a name and a graphic, this is what I came up with. It may change before we start the study (in 6 days), but so far so good…
Descubriendo la Vida –
Discovering Life or
Discovering the Life – will be a bit of an experiment, and so I’m sure it will develop as the weeks go by. But it’s designed to be the same length as the Chronological Bible Study, so that both will finish together. Then DV (can I call it that?) can repeat for those who finished the CBS, and another study will begin at the same time (DV2 if all goes as planned).
Please pray as we continue to plan and execute these studies – that God’s Word would be taught accurately and clearly. Whether we have a large group, or we’re teaching one-on-one, we want these studies to be practical, and used of God to bring more people to Himself.
I’ll tell you more about the second study once it gets going!