I guess I haven’t really written much about our trip home – since we got home. So – here goes.
Last I wrote
we had arrived in Mexico. Well, the trip down through Mexico took several days, but was fairly uneventful. Ok, Shari did get her hand shut in the van door, but she recovered quickly. And there was that incident with the jellyfish and I, but I’m fine now. Other than that it was fairly uneventful.
And we didn’t even get stopped by the police until we were on our way to conference. I felt like saying, "What took you so long?!"
So we arrived home a week ago today, and had a whole day at home before leaving the state. We got the van cleaned and verified (so we could drive it when we wanted in the city), unloaded the trailer, and did some other quick errands before packing up for our CAM team retreat and then the CAM Mexico conference.
We had a good time with our team, then were able to see missionaries from all over Mexico at the conference. I always get rather sick at conference – I think it’s because I don’t have time to adjust to the altitude change. So it’s always a bittersweet experience, but it’s great to see everyone. 🙂
The conference always falls on American Thanksgiving, so there’s an arrangement with the hotel that we have a Thanksgivingish dinner one day. Inexplicably, this Mexican-style decoration showed up (thanks to the hotel staff) that didn’t fit this rather patriotic American holiday at all…

Yes, that’s the 11-point Canadian maple leaf. So I’m not sure what we were celebrating, but the food was good. 🙂 And it was a nice blend of cultures to remind us of where we had been and where we were!
So we returned home Saturday night and crashed.
Today we were excited to go to Jesús María to worship with our church! I can’t possibly express how wonderful it is to be back! We had a great time seeing friends again, and were even able to go to a birthday party (Melanie’s –
Happy Birthday!) and watch a piñata get smashed. If we doubted whether or not we were home, we don’t doubt it any longer! 😉
Now we’ve stopped home only a couple of days, and most of those days we were out and about. So as you may imagine, there are several inches of dust all over things, spider webs everywhere, laundry to do, and full and empty boxes, bins and suitcases scattered all over the place. If we can find our way to our beds tonight, and get all the stuff off them, we will try to get some sleep. Then maybe we can spend some time getting organized.