We’re starting the
third week of our study tonight. Today we’re talking about the
Old Testament.

It’s a bit of a challenge to focus on how we got our Bible, without getting carried away with all the
evidence for the Bible. Of course, we’re talking about a lot of that evidence, but only just touching on some of it to show why we trust that what we have has come to us in a reliable way over the centuries.
Anyway, after talking a lot about the Resurrection, and then the four Gospels last week, we’re very interested in
what Jesus had to say about the Old Testament. He held it in pretty high regard, as you know if you’ve read the Gospels. Check out a
very important passage – Luke 24:44-47. And a very interesting hidden prophecy in Luke 16:27-31.
For a bit of a test case, we’re going to talk about who wrote the books of Moses. We’ll talk about how the books of the Old Testament were accepted as Scripture very early (I’ve really been a bit surprised to learn how early most of the books of the Bible seem to have been recognized as Scripture).
The picture above (courtesy of
KOREphotos) is of the Isaiah Scroll, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It’s hard to imagine now the
waves this find sent through the community in biblical studies.
And, of course, we’ll talk a bit about why the Roman Catholics and Protestants have Old Testaments of different lengths.
We’ll finish by reading some amazing words from Isaiah.
Lots of information this week. Actually, I’m really looking forward to study #4. It’s Lord willing going to be very fun and hands-on, and we’re going to learn a lot more about the transmission of the books of the Bible.
But that’s not for two weeks. I’ll let you know more when the time comes! Thanks for your prayers. 🙂