I just finished reading Jesus Led Me All The Way by Charlotte Truesdell Marcy. Charlotte has been a missionary (with CAM International) in Honduras for — wait for it — over 65 years. As a result, this book is somewhat unique in that it gives a real long term view of missionary work in a specific area. (Yes, I wrote that right – 65 years!)
Charlotte believed God was calling her to the field in 1931. Ten years later, she was on her way with her husband and three children to Honduras in a banana boat. In 1958, an illness took her husband Sydney, leaving her with 8 children to care for.
Two things really struck me about the book – first, the incredible challenges that the Lord brought Charlotte and her family through. Living with very few if any modern conveniences (she writes how in 2003 she was able to visit a certain town without having to ride a mule!), living through war and natural disaster – many things most of us can’t really imagine.
Strangely enough, the other thing that struck me was how many things I could actually relate to, and even take as practical advice. 🙂
There were lots of incredible stories of God’s provision just at the right time, His work in people’s lives, big things and little things. But one of the most amazing was simply the overview of God’s work in people and families over more than one generation. Often we wonder if people are really being changed, and how long it will last. The parable of the sower reminds us that there are those who fall away and those who don’t. But what an encouragement to hear of people who’s lives God changes and how they impact more and more people as the years go on.
Charlotte ends by saying that God will show her when it’s time to leave Honduras. But apparently He still has work for her to do! In March Charlotte will be 94.
Unfortunately, this book is not currently available to order online, but you can contact me if you’re interested in ordering it. It’s US$10.