“The Best Day Yet”
“The Greatest Way to Spend and Afternoon!”
“We just want to go back…”
These are examples of words and phrases that we probably didn’t use after our visit to the dentist yesterday. But hey, these things have to be done!
Yes, various medical appointments continue, maybe not our favourite part of the tour, but still important.
As usual there has been a lot going on as we continue our time here in Canada. We very much enjoyed our time at Penhold Church of Hope, and also at New Hope Gospel Church in Provost. We’ve also had some time to visit with friends and family that we rarely see.
But what’s concerning us now are – the countdowns! As I write, here’s where they’re at…
Hannah starts school at Prairie Christian Academy:
1 week, 3 days
The rest of us return to Mexico:
3 weeks, 4 days
Yeah – so – we have a lot to do to get Hannah ready for school, and a lot to do to get everything done that we need to do before travelling back. We’re already starting to look at upcoming ministry in Mexico.
So, there’s lots to think about and lots to do! So I’d better get back to work. 🙂
Oh, don’t forget – if you’re in southern Alberta, be sure to check where we’ll be in September, and come see us!