Calm in the storm

Do you remember how it happened? It was evening, and Jesus told His disciples they were going to take the boat across the lake. As they crossed, a storm rushed in on them, and water started filling the boat. Where was Jesus when all this was going on? He was asleep on a pillow. His disciples, apparently in a panic, woke Him up – Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?
Jesus got up, told off the wind and told the sea to calm down. The wind stopped, and all was calm. Then He said to His disciples, Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?
Why was Jesus sleeping in the boat? Ok, He was probably really tired. But was there another reason? I always thought maybe He was testing the disciples, and perhaps He was. But it hit me this morning that there may be another reason.
I think maybe Jesus understood something about God’s power and protection that the rest of us forget. The Bible doesn’t tell us whether or not Jesus slept after the storm, only that He slept in the storm. God doesn’t usually bring us peace by stopping the storms in our lives. The miracle is that He brings us peace within the storm. The miracle is that we can have joy in trying times. Jesus could sleep during a storm because He knew that the Father could take care of Him in the storm.
This fits well with a song I wrote about 12 years ago for a friend – Peace in the Battle…
Has grown so strong
And the sights of the wounded
We remember too long
But looking around us
Is to sink in the sea
Our Commander is calling
“Keep your eyes on Me!”
There’s peace in the battle
There’s calm in the storm
There’s rest in the race
For the weary and worn
Together we sing
From the greatest to least
Fixing our eyes on our Saviour
The Prince of Peace
Listen now closely
To the One who is true
For His voice is so sweet
As He speaks peace to you
So taste of His goodness
And reach for His love
He offers His peace
If you look up above
In the midst of a crowd
Of men driven by fear
Was a soul-cry of triumph
That you need to hear
As the one final Lamb
Was slain in their view
A shout of forgiveness
Was cried out to you!
For there’s peace in the battle
There’s calm in the storm
There’s rest in the race
For the weary and worn
Together we sing
From the greatest to least
Fixing our eyes on our Saviour
The Prince of Peace