Retro: Early Snow
Ten years ago today – we were in our apartment in Calgary, and were treated to an early snow!
Ten years ago today – we were in our apartment in Calgary, and were treated to an early snow!
We’ve definitely been experiencing real life lately! Sometimes we wish we weren’t! 🙂 I guess it depends on how you define it.
Last week we picked up Teresa from the airport, and have been enjoying our time with her. Here’s one of the many times when we’ve enjoyed Mexican food together – our first stop was for pozole, a wonderful hearty soup.
We also spent some time doing a little site-seeing and introducing Teresa to Mexican culture – and, as always, learning more ourselves!
I’ve enjoyed some great opportunities to talk about “real life” with people lately. For example, last week Teresa was a help at the last minute – staying with Hannah and Nathanael while Shari and I went to a wake. The mother of one of our friends passed away, and I was asked to speak to the friends and family who were gathered.
In case you’re wondering, I talked about 1Corinthians 15:55-58. Death is bad – which is why we need victory over it. And that victory comes only to believers in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. For us, the good we do can live into eternity. Real life.
Speaking of doing good, Jessica was out at the community centre in Jesús MarÃa tonight, teaching a painting class to over 20 eager students, including Hannah. They were painting our local iconic volcanoes. Looks like it was a lot of fun!
We’re also working frantically on some home school issues – we appreciate your prayers as we try to find solutions to various issues. And I’m looking forward to leading a special service on Sunday, all about … well, I won’t spoil the surprise.
Over Christmas Hannah and Nathanael put together a puppet show, with home made puppets and everything!
They performed it twice, and we had our wits about us the second time and recorded it. Here it is, for your edification…
It’s been a while since I’ve done a podcast, so here is a little bit of news about family, churches, and new outreaches.
We’ve been having a good time and a not-so-good-time here. Maybe that’s not so unusual.
We would appreciate your prayers as we join with our friends at Path of Life Bible Church in Santa Barbara to reach out into a new neighbourhood with kids’ clubs and a special study for parents. Last week’s turn-out wasn’t great, but Shari, Julian, Malu and some from the church handed out some more flyers yesterday, so we’re hoping for better things this week. 🙂
I got to make up the questions – from easy, to normal, to hard, to very hard, to “almost impossible”. (And they were.)
One group worked particularly hard to prepare, and it showed. Congratulations to the women! (The men challenged them for a while, but eventually fell behind).
If you know Spanish, you can take a look at the questions here.
The not-so-good has been health. I’ve been sick since Thursday noon, and last night was the worst night yet. Which means I’m getting better now, right? Right?
It looks like Shari has decided to join the ranks of the sick today as well. 🙁
But we’re pushing ahead, trying to get some other outreaches up and running here, getting some Bible studies going, and of course getting Hannah and Nathanael edykated.
We’ve been enjoying our time in Sudbury and area, catching up with old friends and making some new ones. Thanks so much for those who prayed for our ministry over the weekend as well. And thanks to those here who have been such a blessing!
We had a great turn-out for Where did the Bible Come From? and enjoyed our time on Sunday morning.
We have another day here and then we start heading north again. On Friday we’ll be on the Polar Bear Express train (yes, that’s what it’s called) heading up to Moosonee.
We appreciate your continued prayers as we serve in Moosonee – there are some interesting ministry opportunities in the area for the weekend and next week, so we’ll see what happens!
Hannah and Nathanael have been getting to know a good northern tradition – kayaking. Here’s proof…