Jim’s Dad – health concerns
We would appreciate your prayers for my Dad’s health. I mentioned concerns about his health before. We were particularly concerned because he was having trouble breathing. After a swarm of tests, the doctors still had no answers.
He had been having some pain in his leg at one point. Going to have this looked at yesterday, they discovered that he had a blood clot. The had him go to the hospital right away, where he was last night.
He had been waiting to be scheduled for a CT Scan because of his breathing problems, but when they discovered the clot they got the scan scheduled for this morning. They discovered clots on his lungs.
Here’s the current situation in a nutshell:
- He’s doing fine and in good spirits in the hospital
- He’s expecting he should be able to return home tomorrow
- He’s taking medication which he will need to stay on for the next few months
- They’re still not sure what is causing these clots, and so more investigation will probably be needed
- We’re still not sure how this will impact day-to-day life for them – my Dad will certainly need to avoid some strenuous tasks
We still have a lot of questions, of course, especially since we just found out about all of this yesterday. I’ll try to keep you up to date if there’s any significant change or news, but as far as we know he’ll be home soon, probably tomorrow. I haven’t had time to write until now, or send out an email update to those who get it – I’ll be doing that next. Thanks for your prayers!