Jim’s Dad is home
My Dad got home from the hospital this afternoon (and he sent me this webcam photo to prove it was really him). 🙂
Basically, he’s out on parole. He’s supposed to take it easy for the weekend (he actually had the weekend off from preaching anyway – but I’m sure there could have been better ways to spend his week off), and then go back for more tests on Monday.
Tests, tests, tests – he’s had a lot of them. This is what he wrote to me today:
As the tests grew more numerous, the needles got bigger. (I said at one point, "Why don’t ya just hook up a hose?")
They said today, "You’re a very lucky man. Most times we find this condition with an autopsy."
Well, there’s no doubt that the Lord was taking care of him – this problem has likely been progressing for weeks if not longer. I’m just glad that the doctors are finally taking some of these things seriously.
Incidentally, my Mom has been dealing with health problems as well. She just found out she has some osteoarthritis in the spine. They’re concerned it could affect the spinal cord in the future.
In the end, none of this is really new – what’s new is that the doctors are taking it seriously and we may actually be getting some answers. So that much is a good thing. Here’s hoping that the future tests will shed more light on the situation. Thanks for your prayers!