Retro: Just Readin’ Our Bibles…
10 years ago today, Nathanael and Hannah were just readin’ their Bibles. Let’s admit it – it was a photo shoot, showing off some new gifts. It was Resurrection Sunday!
10 years ago today, Nathanael and Hannah were just readin’ their Bibles. Let’s admit it – it was a photo shoot, showing off some new gifts. It was Resurrection Sunday!
Ten years ago today, I made empanadas from scratch for the regular customers and also a special guest – Shari’s sister Amy (visit Amy and her husband Nate here)! So here they are enjoying (I hope!) the empanadas in our apartment in Calgary.
And please notice the Herdez brand salsa, a Mexican brand we still have on hand here.
Ten years ago today, Hannah was doing something she hasn’t done much since – make a snow angel!
In December 2005 we enjoyed our last Christmas in Canada before moving to Mexico. Here, 10 years ago today, Nathanael, Shari and Hannah enjoy the (mostly) decorated tree in our apartment in Calgary.
Only a few days old, Ashlyn is being held by her Grandma Ardys in this picture from 10 years ago today. Big brother Jevon on the left, and Hannah on the right.