So you want to be a Missionary.

I get a lot of emails through from people who are interested in being missionaries. These are people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds, with all different motives.
I try to give them some ideas to get started. Obviously, my suggestions depend on what specifically they’re asking. But there are a few common things that I’ll often suggest. (Note: I’m talking about cross-cultural mission work specifically here)
So, I thought I would share it here to see what you think – maybe you have something to add!
- Prayer and Bible Study: This one should go without saying, but sometimes you need to say it. Of course, we should all be seeking God through His Word and prayer.
- Church leadership: I often encourage people to talk to the leadership in their local church. Why? Because you need their support, you need their guidance, you need to work together with other believers. That relationship with a group of believers, and leadership, is critical – we know from Heb 10:25 and Heb 13:17, which talk about meeting together, and our spiritual leaders. We can’t ignore passages like these, then try to teach others to obey them.
- Know your passions: I often ask people – what are you interested in? What are your passions, your gifts? What work experience do you have? Many people don’t realize that missionaries are car mechanics, computer experts, radio hosts, construction workers, writers, painters, nurses, cooks, teachers… there’s lots you can do!
- Network: Now that you have some ideas, go find some missionaries who are doing things that interest you. Or missionaries at the same stage of life (ie retired, with young children, students…). Finding a missionary who blogs is great, because you can often get a more intimate view of their lives. But email, and ask questions. Contact mission agencies, and ask for more contacts. Sit down with a few people, if you can. We did this before joining CAM; we talked to representatives of several mission organizations face to face, and corresponded with missionaries on the field, asking the tough questions.
- Books: There are some books that I recommend to people interested in serving the Lord in another culture. The first is Send Me: Your Journey to the Nations. [Update: There’s an excellent new edition (2009) of this book out now – Global Mission Handbook – packed with great tips, resources and guidance for aspiring and new missionaries – or even experienced ones!] Also on my short list of must reads are Cross-Cultural Conflict: Building Relationships for Effective Ministry (great for understanding the concept of culture), The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict (a book everyone should have on their shelf), and Let the Nations Be Glad! (a classic look at what the Bible teaches about missions).
There’s lots more that could be said, but there are a few ideas that I think will help someone who is considering serving in another culture. I know there are some people with experience reading this post – what would you add (or delete!) from my list?