Calgary. And, meanwhile, in Mexico . . .
So we finished one of our busiest weekends of our time in Canada. We’re thankful for what the Lord has done, and thankful that my voice held out!
The Where did the Bible Come From? seminar went well (from my perspective) with about 30 people. We had some great conversations about Bible versions, the canon, how God preserved His Word – good times. It would be great to give the seminar again while we’re here – so let us know if you’re interested!
Then on Sunday we zipped around to three services, and I preached twice and shared thrice. That was at South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church. An encouraging time, although it would have been nice to have more time with people. Maybe we’ll be able to stop by again.
I was very thankful for my brave translators, who did a great job!
But for now we’re heading to Saskatchewan for a while.
Meanwhile, in Mexico – well, first of all, in Russia, Mexico beat Germany in their first game at the World Cup! Yes, the goal did indeed “cause” an earthquake in Mexico. Indirectly.
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. Meanwhile, in Mexico, the Mount Calvary Team had a great time of ministry, from what I heard! Check out a report at Rod’s blog – Mount Calvary June 2018
Continue to pray for Mexico as the national election draws near – less than two weeks now.