More About Travelling to Canada
I haven’t talked too much here about our upcoming visit to Canada, so I’m just swinging by to give an update.

We had actually planned to go to Canada earlier this year, but our plans were changed due to the situation with COVID-19. We’re going to serve in ministry where we can, help out family where we can, complete some minor paperwork, and take care of some other things that must be done in Canada.
We’ll be mostly in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Partly due to the reality of travel in 2020, we’re finding everything to be far more complicated, and by necessity far more last minute. So I don’t have a detailed schedule to share with you. But I will say that we will, Lord willing, be enjoying our mandatory quarantine during the last half of August. And at the moment I’m scheduled to preach at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary on the 6th of September.
We just recently confirmed a place to stay for the first few weeks, although we may be looking more for a place a little later on. Yeah, it’s complicated. But we are so thankful for the people who have helped us with the details so far!
And no, we don’t know for how long we’ll be in Canada.
But it’s all good, because as you all know, we never plan much ahead anyway. Ok, that may not exactly be true.
So we do appreciate your prayers as we continue our last minute planning, and for endurance as we travel! It will be a long trip for us, because we’re flying to Toronto and then to Calgary (I know, all you world travellers are laughing at us for calling that a “long trip”).
Meanwhile, there’s lots going on here during our last little while in Mexico – Bible study, OT survey class, preaching, and lots of other details!