Slowly Opening Up?
Yes, central Mexico is taking some early steps in opening up again.

With the concern about the economy, it’s the financial world that’s opening up first. Shopping malls were never completely closed, but on Monday most stores and restaurants were open again. Hotels also opened, the the manufacturing industry is restarting. Everything is supposed to be at 30% capacity when it comes to crowds, and we’re encouraged not to crowd together.
So the contrast right now is that we supposedly remain in the category of maximum risk (red), but we’re moving ahead with opening up anyway.
Economy – that means both survival for many but also convenience for all – seems to be the driving force at the moment. Which raises the question – what does that mean for churches? Although we would consider our meetings “essential”, most of society wouldn’t see it that way.
The good news is that, going by official numbers, it looks like Mexico may be starting on a downward trend when it comes to COVID-19 deaths, although it’s too early to really know for sure. And cases seem to be still rising.
So, at the moment church services are down in the next category – high risk (orange). And probably not right when we enter orange, but two or three steps into orange, if that makes any sense. And the state authorities keep comforting us by affirming that we’re “on the road” to orange, even though we’re not there yet. 🙂
So, there have been some meetings. Shari met with another woman who works with her on the children’s ministry stuff. And last night a group of men from the church met (via video chat) to discuss re-opening. What measures should we take? What will the people of the church want/expect? What will the government want/expect? We have some ideas, but since there’s no knowing when things will open up, it’s hard to move ahead. For example, if we get the news that we can officially open up – and it’s Wednesday – will we be ready on Sunday? Or do we prepare for a week?

We are certainly thankful for the people of the church that God is raising up, and their ideas and wisdom and gifts. And how we constantly challenge one another to look to the Lord, and ask Him for what we want and need. At least, they challenge me!
Sometimes we get so caught up in plans and contingencies and speculation that we forget to … just … pray. Because there is One who already knows what needs to be done, and who has all the resources to get it done.