This Year’s Mega-Service
We had an … well, an interesting time this past Sunday. And thanks to those who prayed – it’s good to know you were praying. As you may see as you read on.
It was straight. Straight up. And narrow. We probably could have made it if everyone had gotten out of the van (except the driver, of course). But … we almost made it … but instead backed aaaaaalllllllll the way down, and once back down we easily found another way, and made it without any more problems to the service. On time, even.
Which is better than about 1/3 of everyone else did. One vehicle broke down (from the church in charge of communion), the preacher (Ismael) wasn’t there, and about a hundred or two others were still missing as the service began half an hour late.
So here’s the thing. Thankfully, I had checked out the route the day before, and other than the missed turn above, found it not too difficult. But once you get into the mountains, just try to get online and get an accurate map going on Google maps. Just try. You might end up like a group from one church, lost for 3-4 hours in the mountains.
Well, some arrived after the service was over. One lost group finally decided just to find a park somewhere, stop to eat and have their own devotional, and then go home. But guess what park they pulled into?
Yep, the one where we were all eating lunch. So – late – but at least they all had a warm welcome when they arrived!
Anyway, the service went well. The traffic was horrendous and the way home, so we’re still tired. But at least we made it both to the service, and home! So thanks again for praying. 🙂