Experiments and fellow bloggers
Do you like this blog? You can now vote for it! This blog has been listed for some time on blogs4god, but with over 1200 blogs, believe it or not, this humble journal gets lost in the shuffle. Not that I need votes to feel good about myself, but if you do like this blog you might encourage someone else to visit with your vote.
I was playing around with a little javascript that you can see on the left under the weather. It’s supposed to detect where you’re from.
I was checking out some of the winners of the 2005 Evangelical Underground Evangelical Blog Awards. There’s some good blogs there. Of course, I would rather you stick around and read our blog, but hey, there are some worthwhile reads out there! 🙂 The best international blog (yes, these are American awards!) was won by a fellow Canadian – Tim Challies. You can visit his blog and even enter his contest to win a couple of books…
The winning missionary was Keith Smith for his blog under the acacias. He works among the Fulani people of Burkina Faso. A runner-up in the missionary category was Mission Safari, by a medical missionary in Kenya. I’ve enjoyed this blog so far, and I like this cute post about his daughter’s birthday present. It reminds me of the jaguar I took a picture of in Belize – remember this photo? I was about as close to him as it looks. A little nerve-wracking!

By the way, notice the new feature on this blog of trackback. Trackback allows one blogger to reference another blog in his or her blog, and then link to it. Sound confusing? Well, it sure was to me! But I think I’m starting to get it. For example, in theory I should be able to connect to the Mission safari blog entry that I mentioned above. Then my entry will show up in his blog. Or something. Anyway, this is the place for experimentation!