“Once you get settled”
A few people have had suggestions of things we can do once we “get settled”. These are things that we probably will do. But if we wait until we’re “settled”, we’ll be doing them in Mexico. Life just isn’t going to be settled any time soon!
The good news is that we did indeed get out of our apartment in time (barely). We truly couldn’t have done it without the help of friends and family. I still haven’t told you about all that went on, but let’s just say many mini-disasters just kept coming our way, but by the grace of God we made it through.
So, we’re now living out of suitcases, staying with friends in Cochrane, and trying to get ready for the move south. The mini-disasters seem to be continuing. Soon after we moved in we got sick, and were up all night with Nathanael, who was especially sick (he’s on the mend now). We’re just trying to take it one day at a time (ok, sometimes an hour at a time!), and God continues to show His grace each day. Many of you are getting updated now with the newsletter we just sent out. If you don’t get it, you can read the latest Notes from the Cottrills here. (If you pray for us, please consider signing up personally for our newsletter. That encourages us and reminds us to pray for you too!)
We’re still trying to get a cargo trailer. That will be a big help as we finish packing. Lord willing over the next week we’ll be able to focus a little on getting those bins packed for Mexico. Our intention was to have that done by the time we moved out but…well, let’s not get into that. 😉
Thanks again to everyone who has been such a big help over the past few weeks. May the Lord show you His love to you as you have shown your love to us!
7 September 2006 @ 9:18 am
Man, it seems like you guys will NEVER get down here to Mexico. I don’t understand… what are your approximate dates for coming here? How long is language school? Whew! It seems like you are really going through it. Don’t worry, it is all preparation for getting here. Once you are here life will seem so easy after all you have been through just to get here.