Temporarily a two-van family
Yesterday we brought home our new/used van. It still needs a little work done on it, but it’s ok to drive for now. Many thanks to the people at Renfrew Auto Service for all their hard work getting the van Mexico-ready!
So we still have the old van. We’d like to sell it, but we’re trying to coordinate it all with the acquisition of a trailer, which we also need. We really don’t have enough money even for a used trailer, but we’re hoping that between the money we have and the old van we’ll be able to get something. We’ll see! Meanwhile the tricky thing is just finding the time to look into these things. Thanks to all those who have been praying about the trailer.
Shari, Hannah and Nathanael are just going out to give the new van a cleaning, and to put the car seats in. We praise the Lord for the amazing provision of this van, which Lord willing will see many kms of service in the years ahead. 54 hours to our new home in Mexico, and then the real challenges begin!
21 July 2006 @ 5:12 pm
54 hours…you are not excited or anything, are you? 😉
21 July 2006 @ 6:21 pm
Well, that’s 54 hours of driving – not 54 hours from now. 🙂 I don’t know – should I be excited about a 54 hour drive with 2 preschoolers? 😉 Of course, we might stop for one bathroom break in there somewhere…
21 July 2006 @ 7:52 pm
My reaction to Dave’s comment was the same as yours Jim! Mind you, when you finally are on your way south I imagine you will be excited to be actually finished with the present part of your lives and beginning the next adventure!!
24 July 2006 @ 2:51 am
Ahhhh! I see! I thought about it later and wondered if that is what you meant. Let’s see…54 hours…I wonder how many times they can say “Are we there yet????”
26 July 2006 @ 4:22 pm
Probably not even a concern right now and maybe you’ve mentioned it in the past in your letters and blogs, but just curious…do you know what your “no-drive” day is in Mexico City?
For all your blog readers who aren’t familiar with the rule…Mexico City has a day each week when those whose licence plates don’t belong to the Federal District or the State of Mexico (this state surrounds Mexico City/Federal District on the west, north and east), there is one day a week when driving is strictly forbidden based on the last numeral of one’s licence plate.
In my case, the last number on my car’s plate is a “1” (even though there are letters after that number). This means that I can’t legally drive my car in the Mexico City metro area on Thursdays, no exceptions.
Here’s the list of days and numbers:
Monday: 5 & 6
Tuesday: 7 & 8
Wednesday: 3 & 4
Thursday: 1 & 2
Friday: 9 & 0
So, Jim, what’s your no drive day?
26 July 2006 @ 5:25 pm
Wow, I don’t know if I’m ready to tell the whole world when I can and can’t drive in DF. Ok, I’ll give you a clue. You won’t be hitching a ride with us on your no drive day. 😉