Wanted: 1 van
It’s been a whirlwind around here! Hannah’s birthday party is tomorrow, so we’re all a-flutter getting ready for that. It’s a butterfly party.
Anyway, we have a general idea what kind of a van we’re looking for, for those of you that have been curious. I have the details up on our Get Involved! page. If we could get this specific van donated (and yes, God could indeed do such a thing) then that would save us almost 1/2 of the Outgoing Funds we still need to raise. Of course, we may still need to raise some of that because we need to buy a trailer for it as well.
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We’re looking for a 2000-2005 Chevy Astro or GMC Safari passenger van, white, in good condition. Of course, the newer the better. I went to look at a couple this week, and I wrote a couple specifications down on the Get Involved! page. One thing that mystifies us are the child seat anchors. We’d like 4 of them, or more importantly 2 in the middle seat, so that Hannah and Nathanael could both be behind us. Some have 3 anchors, and some have 4, but we’re not sure if we can install a 4th or not. If anyone knows the answer to that one, let us know.
Anyway, if you know of anyone that might have one to donate, we could likely find a way to give them a tax receipt for it as a gift in kind.
In other news, do you know how much our rent is increasing? 9,171 Yen a month! That’s $90 Canadian, US$81.50, MXN$893 – however you slice it, it’s a HUGE increase. We’ve never seen an increase remotely close to this. And that’s not the only increase we’re facing, so we’d appreciate your prayers about that.
The good news is, we got news of some new pledges for our monthly support this week. Praise the Lord! I don’t know if our rent will be much cheaper in Cuernavaca, but it sure would be nice to be paying rent in Mexico instead of Canada. Here’s hoping…