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  1. Alan
    29 April 2007 @ 8:01 pm

    Amen, Jim. Excellent points.
    On the flip side, a Prof of mine once mentioned something he had recently read in a book with a clever name (that I’ve forgotten). The author’s book routinely made strange connections between seemingly unrelated things. For instance: the decreasing crime rate in America and the legalization of abortion. The author said that because children who are aborted would probably grown up in un-nurturing enviroments (the same kind of environment that breeds criminals) the crime rate has decreased.
    The ends doesn’t justify the means in my books, but at least there’s another side to the story. (Second-hand info, so take it for what it is. 🙂 )

  2. Jim
    30 April 2007 @ 7:17 am

    You’re just trying to set me off, aren’t you? 😉

    It sounds kind of like Minority Report – catch the criminals before they actually commit the crimes.

    Of course, all throughout history people have tried that. Pharaoh with the Hebrews, Canada with the Canadian Japanese in WW2, even Hitler with the “enemies of the German people”, the Jews.

    The argument fails to take so many things into consideration. It has no thought to whether or not the “solution” may be moral. It doesn’t consider the many many families that want to adopt. I have 100 questions about this so called “statistic” in the first place. WHat kind of crime are we talking about? What other factors are involved?

    Even if the statistic were true, I suspect it would be short lived. Decrease the respect for life and family and community, and the effect will trickle into every area of life.

    But in the end, even if it created the “perfect crime free community”, it wouldn’t be worth the death of the babies and the pain in the lives of the mothers and families.

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