Little Mexico Links for today
I often share links waaaaay down at the bottom of the page, but I would like to bring them up here once in a while. Problem is, I don’t generally have the time! But I’ll shoot a few at you here, and maybe it will motivate me to do it again sometime. Here are some recent links about Mexico that may interest you:
- "Our" volcano erupted – check out some photos of Popo erupting from our friends the Casteels.
- A recent visit to the an area impacted by the recent flood disaster – Tabasco.
- By the way, flood relief is now a CAM project, which means you can give directly to help flood victims and also get a tax-deductible receipt if you want. Read about Mexico Flood Relief (click the photos at the bottom for more info). (If you’re in Canada, call the Canadian office (contact info here) to see how you can give and still get a receipt).
- Here are some Canadians in Mexico that are getting to know people through … hockey!
- Speaking of hockey, have you heard that Mexico City’s main square is now a huge skating rink? See photos of it empty, full and at night. Wow.
- A couple of interesting religious photos.
- Common questions in Mexico – what about Faith vs. Sorcery?
- See what’s for sale for Christmas in this flyer from Mexico’s largest retailer (notice the toasty warm jackets).
- Mexico – soccer (football) – the green jersey? No more. Apparently the players were confusing each other with the grass.
4 December 2007 @ 9:46 am
Cool links. Thanks for sharing!