Our weekend in Cuernavaca
This past weekend we went to Cuernavaca to visit some friends and to fulfill a promise. We had promised that we would come back to the church to sing one more time.
Cuernavaca is different from Ixtapaluca. We were reminded of this as soon as we all got out of the van, and Nathanael found and killed a scorpion. 🙂
But of course the upside is the beautiful climate in Cuernavaca, as compared to Mexico City. Here at home we’re constantly trying to make sure our kids are wearing sweaters and jackets. On Sunday in Cuernavaca the kids grabbed bathing suits from their suitcases and ran around in the yard with those on and nothing else (ok, shoes too. Remember the scorpians).
But the highlight was seeing so many old friends. We had a great time with Kim and Gary Lidstone, who are here from Canada continuing with ministry and language learning for the next few months.
Unfortunately, I had a pretty bad migraine attack on Saturday, so the day is kind of a blur. I kept going for the most part, but I’m not sure what I did.
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We did a little shopping – there are things we can get in Cuernavaca that we can’t seem to find here, so we loaded up. Of course, Hannah and Nathanael don’t have much patience for shopping, so that was a little rough.
While in COSTCO, I was pushing the cart in the juice isle, and Nathanael reached up and grabbed a crate of grapefruit juice. Huge jugs of juice hurtled to the floor and burst open, on my shoes, pants, and all over the floor.
A COSTCO employee rushed up,"Oh, don’t worry about it! It was just an accident! Don’t worry, we’ll get it cleaned up…."
I’m not so sure if it was an accident, and I was going to offer to pay. But then I realized that the juice was rancid – the poisonous gases were rising from the floor, and I decided we had probably done a fellow shopper a favour.
Of course, on Sunday morning we went to Iglesia Bíblica El Renuevo. We saw so many friendly familiar faces. We sang two songs, which went all right I think (not so sure about my commentary before and between the songs, but that’s another story).
Afterwards we enjoyed catching up with people, hearing about their struggles and hearing about upcoming ministry. We were very sorry to miss some good friends who weren’t there, and to hear about the struggles one couple in particular have been going through (I won’t embarrass anyone by mentioning names, but we would appreciate your prayers).
We were also sorry to miss our former landlords, Lisandro and Lupita. We didn’t realize it when we planned to go, but this was a long weekend (for Revolution Day), and so a lot of people were travelling.
We got home late last night after going through some unusual traffic. Some of the things we saw while travelling back reminded me to thank you for your prayers for our safety on the road.
Thanks for your prayers for us, our sharing of God’s love, our safety, and our friends and the challenges they face.
About the picture: We went to Hannah and Nathanael’s favourite restaurant, Don Pollo. There was a clown there that made balloon art for each of them – and here he is, after making Hannah’s butterfly.
17 November 2008 @ 9:29 pm
Quite the weekend!! Was the “unusual” traffic because of it being a holiday?
17 November 2008 @ 10:49 pm
I’m not sure what was up with the traffic. Probably the long weekend had something to do with it.