Saw the doctor. Good thing.
3 of us are sick. As usual, Super Hannah is the healthy one – may she remain so!
The rest of us have a real nasty infection. Nathanael and I went to the doctor on Saturday, and I’m glad we did. We almost didn’t . . . when we were all ready to go, the van didn’t start. Not sure why, but the battery was dead (totally). Toby was kind enough to give us a boost, and we did make it to the doctor. I almost didn’t bother to see him myself – we were going for Nathanael’s sake – but I did.
Anyway, we had some kind of weird infection here there and everywhere, including our ears, so we got some medicine. As I said, I’m glad we both saw him, since I’ve been generally getting worse (today included).
Today Shari got hit with (presumably) the same thing.
So, the state of affairs is this. I want to and need to sleep. Shari wants to and needs to sleep. Nathanael needs to sleep. And Hannah is healthy but tired – she could use some sleep too.
So if we all do what we want to, the kids will run wild! 😉
Anyway, we’d appreciate your prayers as we try to get everyone back to health, and keep Hannah healthy. We don’t want anyone to get any worse. And Mom and Dad have to keep running a household!
26 May 2008 @ 4:27 pm
Hannah, are you the nurse at your house now? I sure hope you don’t get sick too. If you get sick, you’ll have to invite the cat in to be the nurse. 😉
26 May 2008 @ 5:13 pm
Prayers, you guys.
27 May 2008 @ 8:28 pm
Jim, Sure hope you and your family are feeling better by now, and the doctor s got to the bottom of the problem,praying for you.
Is there a way I can get in touch with your Mom, does she have an E’mail address or is she on facebook/ would love to get in touch with her.
28 May 2008 @ 7:14 am
Thanks for your comments and prayers! We’ve been able to make it through somehow. Lord willing we’ll be better soon. 🙂