Over the last month, Nathanael has been unusually healthy. For most of the year, he’s had the sniffles. For a lot of the year, a cough too.
But on Thursday he developed a slight sniffle – the kind that makes him give a little *sniff* every few minutes, and once in a while use a Kleenex. Otherwise, he’s fine. Still a lot healthier than he has been all year. Full of energy and normal appetite and all that.
But, alas – with the restrictions surrounding the flu outbreak, his school refused to let him in yesterday!
So he was home. If they keep the restrictions that tight, who knows how long he could be home for! As I said, he’s had a runny nose most of the year.
Well, it’s a strange world. But for now, poor Nathanael is an outcast. Fortunately, they sent home hours of work for him to do, so we weren’t bored yesterday. All right, I was a little bored. Trying to get him to write yet another "25" isn’t the most exciting thing I could think of…
3 June 2009 @ 1:55 pm
Oh no! My little grandson, my buddy, an outcast? BUT yesterday I found out that he was back in school for at least Monday and Tuesday. 🙂
I’m sure it’s very difficult to make decisions when many, many people could possibly get sick, with something that the medical people only know so much about. On one hand, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but, on the other hand, the income, teaching, plus other important activities can cause serious challenges as well.