Cotton Candy (video)
Just a quick video clip that I took back on the 18 of this month. It was recess time, and the Cotton Candy Man was ready to go. And being a windy day, it was more fun than usual.
(It was one of our friends, a boy named Olaf, who first got the enterprising idea of using a hula hoop, though that’s not him in the video)
27 January 2010 @ 5:23 pm
Hello and God Bless! My daughter is in an AWANA’s class in Texas. This week’s project was to find a missionary and she chose North America. So, a Google search later brought us to you. I hope everything is well and that you could take some time from your important work to help my daughter learn about how missionaries serve God abroad. With that, Laureli (my daughter, 5 years old) would like to ask the following:
“How do you tell people about Jesus?”
[more towards your children] “What is it like to be a child missionary?”