School Christmas Program (Christmas leftovers)
I know it’s a little late, but I was looking at the videos I took over the last little while and thought it would be worth it to show the video from the Christmas program at the kids’ school. It’s only about 3 minutes long.
Here are a few things to note before you watch:
- Our coworker Rod Fry was asked to lead the children in a couple of songs. They did a really good job. You’ll hear "Joy to the World", and then a song to the tune of "Jingle Bells". The words to both are different in Spanish. In the first, you’ll hear Jesus gives forgiveness, for example. The second is totally different in this popular Spanish song. You’ll hear bells, but the song isn’t about bells. For example, when Hannah’s trio sings, some of the words are: I love you, my Jesus, I will sing your glories, I will rejoice this happy day. Then the chorus starts Christmas, Christmas, today is Christmas…
- This past semester Rod and I were talking to the English teacher about some of the music the kids learn and learn about. I don’t know if that discussion had anything to do with it, but there was an unusual amount of religious music in this program! For an English song, one class sang Paul Wilbur’s "Up to Jerusalem", a song based on Scripture (Psalm 122). (If you look closely, you’ll see someone in a devil costume singing that one – more on that later!)
- Nathanael was a shepherd, Hannah a shepherdess. They wore typical costumes for their roles.
- The Christmas story was also pretty typical… although it may not be what you’re familiar with if you just read the account in the Bible. In this version, the shepherds (pilgrims), from a far away land, follow the star to Bethlehem. But while they travel, a devil tries to trick them while an angel tries to stop the devil. (You might argue that the devil and angel are probably historical realities. However, the typical portrayal of a devil in a red suit trying sneaky but usually harmless tricks on the shepherds leaves something to be desired! The devil is almost always the most popular character in these Christmas programs…)
Well, I’ll let you figure out the rest for yourself! Enjoy. 😉
10 January 2011 @ 7:48 am
This is a great collage! I never knew the devil was a woman! Thanks for the good clip and also for your words of explanation leading up to it!
10 January 2011 @ 10:00 pm
Wow! It looks and sounds like a lot of work went into this program. Elaborate costumes, well projected singing, etc., although I had some trouble understanding the words, even the English ;-), and, from what I saw, the kids did their parts well.
Hi Michelle! (your old Pambrun neighbour here.)
Voice of the Vets (January 2011) — Missionary Blog Watch
12 January 2011 @ 10:50 am
[…] programs may be a little different here than what you’re used to – School Christmas Program (Christmas leftovers) (a video) […]