Hannah Graduates
From what? you may ask.
Well, Tuesday is Children’s Day here in Mexico (in case you’re wondering, it’s the 20th of November in the rest of North America). So they started a tradition in our church. When a child close to turning 12, they “graduate” from the children’s activities and enter the youth group.
So, Hannah, along with four other kids, “graduated” today.
A special program was planned. Unfortunately, a few things went awry. First, the organizer wasn’t able to come for health reasons. And then, during the program, it started to rain.
But it takes more than rain to dampen spirits around here! With some last minute (or long after last minute) planning and organizing, there was a short program, prizes, and ice cream (what can go wrong if you have ice cream?). And a good turn-out.
So – what happened to those 12 years anyway? It’s been our joy to see Hannah grow in the Lord. We’ve seen a desire in her to learn from God’s Word and share her faith. It’s been great to have 12 years to get to know her – and I hope we have many more!
¡Felicidades, Hannah!

29 April 2013 @ 10:16 pm
¡Felicidades, Hannah! And you look lovely! What a cool tradition! If you’d have told me there would be ice cream I’d have come! 😉
May God continue to work in your heart as you walk with him and may this next phase of your life be wonderful for you and pleasing to him.