December Events: Thanks for your prayers!
Thanks for your prayers (so far) for the events of December! Here’s a quick report:
For our last adoration service of the year, we meditated on the second coming of Christ, and all the things we’re looking forward to (most of all – HIM!). I also revived a monologue I did many years ago (which I lost, and had to rewrite) (anybody remember that, by the way?). It’s a shepherd speaking just before the angels appear – and he’s pretty bitter. Little does he know that the answers to his questions are only moments away!
The closing program at the community centre was great – lots of people, lots of fun, and some great discussions. Please pray for these people – so many very different people with different needs and situations!
My Sunday School lessons continue through the end of the month. I’m working on the last two – the final commandment (about coveting), and then a wrap-up where we’ll discuss the law and the gospel in general. There have been some great thought-provoking discussions. I’ve learned a lot!
This coming Sunday is our church’s own Christmas service. Nathanael will (Lord willing) be making his ukulele debut, playing “Today is Christmas” while the kids sing.
Thanks again for your prayers during this busy season. We pray that there will be much fruit!