“Feeling Alive”
Every once in a while you hear a news story of someone who does a terrible act of violence – and they say that they just wanted to “feel alive”.
And some people seem to think it’s just the most important thing. “If there’s something that makes you feel alive – just do it!”
People here in Mexico City do all kinds of things to make themselves “feel alive”. Taking drugs that harm them permanently. Getting involved in crime, in gangs. Cutting themselves. Getting involved in destructive relationships.
And some people get involved in things that aren’t bad, but they’re just selfish – things that are temporary, with no lasting value. Their goals for the year are to experience things, to gain things – just for the sake of a brief thrill.
And then there are people who just don’t feel alive – they’re stuck on the treadmill. Just trying to stay ahead, but feeling like they’re falling behind.
The truth is the same truth that we’ve always had – the truth that we keep forgetting. A true life is a life anchored to the Source of Life. Fleeing to Him for forgiveness and safety – and living for Him – there is no other true life.
And you may not always “feel alive”, but it’s not all based on how you feel. It’s the truth of real, eternal life. It’s the authenticity of doing things for others – things that have an eternal value.
What are your plans for the year? How are you going to know Him? Serve others? Are you going to do things of eternal value? Giving sacrificially, praying intensely, pursuing holiness – in Him we WILL find true life. There is no doubt.
And 2016 will not be the end, only the beginning.
Pray for those around you who are trying to find a life as solid as a mist, and just as temporary. How can we help them this year?
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
(1John 5:20)
4 January 2016 @ 11:06 pm
Thanks Jim. Appreciated all you say here!