Hannah’s 15th Birthday Party is TODAY!
So, starting in about half an hour – well, maybe an hour. Or an hour and a half… well — later this afternoon — Hannah’s 15th birthday party begins!
For the uninitiated, the 15th birthday party, or the quinceañera, is a big deal in Mexico. Sometimes it’s bigger than a nice wedding would be in Canada. People book things months – or years – in advance. We’re talking HUGE.
Although there are many traditions, the quinceañera isn’t just once thing. It goes from the secular to the religious, from a massive expensive party to something small, and has become quite flexible in modern days.
And with our Canadian/Mexican background, we’re feeling free to make it perhaps even more flexible than usual!
Anyway, I’m writing today because I need to warn you that I won’t actually be online a lot from now until toward the end of next week – and then after that we have some other big events – so although I will try to get some photos and/or video up eventually, it may actually take a week or two before you see something substantial.
Anyway, thanks for those who have been praying for this event. We pray that it will be a blessing to Hannah, and to those who come.
We’ll be having a program, with a number of special presentations from various people. The theme is “Inheritance”. And the theme of the decorations is – snowflakes (And we have lots of them, trust me.)! There will also be a meal. And of COURSE a cake by Shari (it’s looking good – just sayin’).
We’re so thankful for so many people who have helped us out – cleaning, decorating – the Frys even loaned us a vehicle today (since we’re not allowed to drive today, due to the current laws in Mexico City).
So – I’d better run! I’ll see you after the party – sometime!
23 April 2016 @ 10:26 am
Happy Birthday Hannah!!
23 April 2016 @ 4:12 pm
Felicidades a Hanna y los papás por tener una hermosa hija.
23 April 2016 @ 6:32 pm
15 already? Happy birthday Hannah.