Birthday Party – Online
Eleven years ago, Hannah and Nathanael’s birthday parties were small family affairs. Everyone was concerned about the swine flu pandemic, and so big parties were out of the question.
In 2020 we found ourselves in the same situation again, but this time with significant advances in technology, and advances especially in people’s comfort with and ability to use that technology. The other difference – Hannah was in Canada, Nathanael in Mexico. So – the party went online!

Often Shari has made a cake with matching cupcakes. This year, Shari and her Mom schemed together – the cupcakes were made in Canada, the cake (cheesecake this time) was made in Mexico. Matching chocolate-peanut-butter flavours, matching colours, and matching themes – unicycles.
It was a family party again, but this time expanded to grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. Not everyone could make it, but we had a good group, spread out from Alberta to Ontario to Mexico. Everyone was encouraged to bring their own cake – and some indeed did!
This was the first joint party in quite a few years. As was mentioned, unicycles was the theme. Decorations went up. And the party began. GoToMeeting was the app of choice.

We had some activities – a get-to-know-you type game, and then a how-well-do-you-know-Nathanael-and-Hannah type game. And of course some time to chat and hang out.
Of course, not the same as having everyone together. But far, far better than not getting together at all!
In these days of being so disconnected – every once in a while, you get a little bit more connected than you would have otherwise.
Happy birthday Hannah and Nathanael! May this be a year of unexpected God-ordained connections!

19 May 2020 @ 11:24 pm
What fun!! It’s wonderful that the Lord arranged for us to be in this place in technology when we’re in a terrible pandemic. And one that has required people to stay apart for safety reasons.
Those of us with the tools and some know-how can connect, not just by hearing but so that we can also actually see each other, and see each other’s movements in real time.Wow!