A Visit to the Dentist
First, I have to admit that we did not go to the dental office that you see below. But it is from the same area near us, and it looked so cute I had to take a picture. According to the helpful “writing on the wall”, they even do surgery in there. Nice!

Anyway, we did go to a (different) dentist, for regular checkups and cleaning and all stuff like that there.

I was trying to think about what might be different from your typical dental office up in Canada. Actually, for this kind of thing, the differences were not major. Maybe the biggest thing is just a typical thing for a temperate climate like we have in Mexico City – the office is not sealed in as it would be in Canada. There was a wide-open window (with a screen, I think?) in the room as we had our teeth checked.
The dentist also gave me a good look at my own teeth after she had finished, like a barber showing me the back of my head. I don’t recall dentists in Canada doing that very often. Except maybe showing an x-ray on a computer screen.
Speaking of x-rays, Nathanael and I went to another lab nearby to get his panoramic x-ray done. In a few minutes we came out with a large envelope with a lovely picture of his jaw and teeth. Very fast and efficient. So Shari dropped the envelope off at the dental office, and we’re waiting to hear the official news. But let’s just say, I think Nathanael’s adventures with the dentist(s) are not over yet.
We have some other medical issues we need to deal with in the next few weeks, but that’s not all that’s on our minds. We’re also preparing to get Nathanael’s visa renewed. We’re trying to get Nathanael’s textbooks for the beginning of a new school year (with a little help from our friends!). We have a few things to get done in the city. The van needs some work. Well, let’s just say there are a lot of things that have been piling up that we need to get to!
So I’d better go and get some work done, while we wait for the call from the dentist…