The Visa Journey
Recently I was skimming through some past emails, and I was reminded about what a major, constant issue our visa paperwork was. Especially 2017 and earlier.

Well, Nathanael’s visa has been taking up some of our time lately, but nothing like it used to! Nevertheless, because he is under 18, he still needs to renew twice more.
We would appreciate your prayers as we travel and as we go through the renewal process this week. Please pray for safety in travel (we have to go to the other side and Mexico City, and then on to another city – Toluca, which is the capitol of our state), and that the renewal process will go smoothly.
We’re very thankful that we’ve come so far in this process, and that we’re able to live here in Mexico and continue the ministry. Please continue to pray for the work of the Lord here. This week I saw in the news that a young man had (apparently) hung himself on a tree branch here in Ixtapaluca. Satan is hard at his murderous, lying work. Please pray that God’s light would shine, and that God would send more workers into the harvest.