Haven’t Seen Our November Newsletter?
Well, most of you probably know why you haven’t seen our November newsletter yet. It’s because Canada Post has been on strike for almost four weeks now!
If you normally get our newsletter, I tried sending you a note today – if you didn’t even get my email, that means we don’t have your current email address. So please drop us a line with your current one!
Now that that business is out of the way, you can read our newsletter online right here.
As I mention in the letter, we have a new project to raise funds for a place for our church to meet. As of this afternoon, we have the project all set up with Avant (our mission). Go to the normal donation page for your country, and you’ll find specific instructions about how to give to projects, as well as to our general ministry fund.
Thanks so much for your support! Here’s a picture of a Sunday morning, meeting under the tarps. We’re pretty packed in – a good problem to have, but still a problem! 🙂