Church – May we Love!
What a blessing to spend time with believers here in Ixtapaluca! We enjoyed a service together this morning, and visited friends in the afternoon.
The battle continues, but God is still at work.
I actually left the service early – a team was here this past week from Nebraska, and we took them to the airport this morning. As I asked them about their week, one of their comments was how much people in the church here love each other. What a great thing to hear (John 13:34-35)!
This prayer that I read this morning, written over 300 years ago, seems very appropriate:
O God, our Heavenly Father, who has commanded us to love one another as Your children, and has ordained the highest friendship in the bond of Your Spirit, we ask You to maintain and preserve us always in the same bond, to Your glory, and our mutual comfort, with all those to whom we are bound by any special tie, either of nature or of choice; that we may be perfected together in that love which is from above, and which never fails when all other things shall fail.
Send down the dew of Your heavenly grace upon us, that we may have joy in each other that doesn’t pass away; and, having lived together in love here, according to Your commandment, may live forever together with them, being made one in You, in Your glorious kingdom hereafter, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
~ George Hickes