Video: First Service at the New Property
Ok, here it is! This is your chance to see what our first service was like at the new property in Jesús María. 🙂
A few disclaimers are probably in order first. The video is only 12 minutes long, so I obviously left out a lot. For example, many people shared their thoughts about having a service at the property for the first time, but I only included a few. Some parts didn’t record as well as others, or were hard to hear, etc.
Also, I’ve included some “subtitles” – sort of – in the English version of this video. They are only paraphrases and summaries of what was said (or sung). I didn’t have the time to translate every word, and sometimes parts were cut off or difficult to hear. So if you understand Spanish, you’re a step ahead. If not, you’ll get the general idea. 🙂
I was thinking today that this was actually the first time we’ve had a place that we’ve fit into. The first Sunday we met, it was in a rented house, and it was packed out. When we rented the salon, we frequently ran out of room.
Admittedly, we were a little short on chairs on Sunday, but we had lots of room and we have space to build a bigger room.
Praise the Lord! And enjoy the video.
La versión en español se encuentra aquí.