The New Building and How We Got There
This morning we had our first service on the new property! More pictures and video are coming, but I want to give a quick report with a few pictures.

Four years ago, there was no church in Jesús MarÃa. So more than anything, we thank “our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us … to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:13-14)!
I don’t know what you think of when you think of a church plant, but you may find two things interesting.
First, there was no missionary leading the service. A missionary didn’t preach, or teach Sunday school, or lead the music. No missionary planned the songs or arranged for the food that appeared after the service. I happened to be playing keyboard, but I don’t do that every week.

Now sometimes we do those things, but our goal is to equip others. And, in fact, we can’t even say that we did that alone – apart from God who truly gives people the power, believers (many still young in the faith) have helped others to get involved.
Jesus builds His Church. We’re honoured to serve Him.

That being said, here’s the other amazing thing. There are many, many, many people who have been involved in this work. Even looking just at the land and the building, there have been people from many parts of the world who have helped.
Thank you to the many who have prayed for these people, and who have given and even come and helped with the construction!

But speaking just of people here in Mexico City, there have been so many people who have given sacrificially of their time and money to make this property and building a reality. I’m talking about people working late into the night, people praying, people washing cars to earn money, people selling food … looking around during the service, surely almost everyone we could see (except for new people) had helped to get us to where we are.

So the work is all the Lord’s – and yet He invites so many to be involved! A great community of people, leading others to worship and praise and celebrate!

It’s exciting that the church now has property that belongs to them – a place to make disciples.
But the neat things is, the church itself (or, I should say, ourselves), belongs to Christ – purchased with His blood – united forever to Him.

For more pictures of the service, check out the post from Tina: First Sunday in the New Property!
23 March 2014 @ 1:23 pm
So exciting to see and hear all of this! Praising the Lord for what is in store for the ministry there and glad I got to be a part of it for one week last August! May God continue to bless!!!
23 March 2014 @ 3:11 pm
Our church prayed for you today! I need to find a way to show the pics to the folks next week or soon!
25 March 2014 @ 2:30 pm
Well said! May the Lord bless all who enter this new building and may He be glorified in their midst!
29 March 2014 @ 9:28 pm
This was so encouraging to see, and it gives us a little glimpse into what God is doing there, and how He is building His church for His glory! Thanks for sharing this video, and for being part of this team! We continue to pray for you all there!