With the unexpected trips of the past couple of months, it’s taking us a little while to catch up with 2013! Although frankly so much has happened already in 2013 it’s hard to believe it’s only the 17th!
As you may know we took a trip to the border to be involved in the Rio Grande Bible Institute mission conference, and to deal with some paperwork. I’d rather not describe all of our adventures, but let’s just say we weren’t very involved in the conference, between health issues and paperwork issues.
In spite of all that, two bits of good news…
 Samuel in the workshop at RGBI |
- We did get the paperwork done that we needed to get done – without a hitch.
- The conference actually went very well, and CAM/Camino/FAMex were well represented by Rod, Samuel, Fernando and Erik. They talked to a lot of students, gave an interview, and presented a workshop about using creative means in evangelism and reaching out to urban and rural areas of Mexico.
- We were able to bring some things back from the US for some friends here.
Home again, we’re still catching up after our trip, although the kids have started school again with a vengeance. Today Nathanael was learning about the Imperial Woodpecker (currently his favourite bird – sadly, it’s probably extinct). And Hannah was learning about liquid cohesion.
Community centre activities started up this week, and Shari helped with a baking class this morning. So far everyone seems encouraged about the number of people coming to the community centre and to the Bible studies.
Lord willing I’ll be helping out in various areas during the first part of this year – giving Bible studies, preaching, and being involved in outreach in various areas (not just Jesús MarÃa). We also continue to help with fundraising efforts here and abroad for the new church property. And – let’s face it – we have visas on the brain and are still working to get those! 😛
We’re looking forward to various people coming short term in the months ahead. We’re hoping to see some families come down, as well as individuals and teams. Anyone want to do some construction work? 🙂
So – I guess we’re well into 2013, whether we like it or not! Today I was reminded of these familiar words from the Gospel of Matthew, about our Lord’s compassion. Truly so many people are “harassed and helpless”. Please pray for labourers!
And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”
(Matthew 9:35-38)