A few days ago we sent out an email update* highlighting some health issues of family and friends. So I’m here to give you a bit of an update, and to add some new prayer requests to the mix.
First, I asked for prayer for my parents, who live in Saskatchewan, Canada. Their health is an ongoing prayer request. However, my Dad went for tests this past Thursday. He’s been having some health issues, including increasing difficulty breathing (breathing is needed for preaching on Sundays, but it has other uses as well, like day to day life!). You know how tests go – they lead to more tests, and more questions, and more waiting! So the good news is that so far it doesn’t seem to be a heart issue (which was suspected), but we need to wait a couple of weeks for more information.
Our fellow CAM missionary, friend and supervisor in this area is Toby Casteel. Toby has had some heart problems, and went in unexpectedly for surgery this past week. He is doing much better, and the doctor has given him the go ahead to go to Houstan, USA for a family vacation today. However, as you know heart issues refuse to be brushed aside, and I know they (Toby and his wife Marilyn) would appreciate your continued prayers as God guides them through these things.
Another CAM missionary family has been here in Cuernavaca, where their son was competing in a national gymnastics competition. He injured his knee, and had to go in for surgery last night. We praise the Lord that he is expected to make a full recovery (and his team came to the hospital to give him his silver medal!).
Please pray for this family as well as they have a lot of travel planned over the next few days.
There are always lots of health issues around, but I wanted to specifically write this time, because sometimes it seems to be one thing after another.
And here on the home front? Well, we’re all doing ok. Hannah and Nathanael have had some mild stomach issues, so we’ll see if that improves, and if not, we’ll take some action. But they still have the energy to play hard, so don’t worry too much. I’ve had quite the swollen throat the last few days, but other than that and being a little tired, Shari and I are fine. We have a lot on our minds these days, a hundred little things, and so we’d appreciate your prayers as we prepare for school to start again next week, and as we get ready to party next weekend to celebrate Hannah and Nathanael’s birthdays (if you want to get them a gift, check out their wish list on the bottom right of this page or here.)!
* (What? You don’t get our email update? If you want to pray or be involved in some way, the first step is to make sure you get our newsletter, and if you get that you have the option to get our email update as well! Sign up here, and be sure to check the box in the Stay current! section.)