The team at the airport in Mexico City Today the group arrived from Valley Bible Church (Hercules, California, USA). How many again? 30? 40? Anyway, it’s a big team.
We would really appreciate your prayers for the next few days of events. The team will be presenting 4 concerts (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), and along with that will be wheelchair presentations, and more.
As you might imagine, Rod has had a lot of fun with the logistics. They are staying in 14 different houses, I believe. And so moving everyone from here to there along with instruments and chairs and risers and wheelchairs – fun!
But it’s not about all that – it’s about sharing the Gospel, encouraging believers, doing what God would have us do.
So keep us in your prayers – also remember those who haven’t been feeling well, both among the missionary families here and in the team.
Thanks for your prayers – we’ll try to keep you informed, either during the team’s visit or after!
The choir at their church in Hercules this past Sunday.
Many of you have been following the construction of the building for the church in Jesús MarÃa (Path of Life Bible Church) since the first brick was laid. Those of you who have donated to the project through Camino Global have also received a report twice a year.
So this is an update for all of you who have given or prayed over the last few years.
For various reasons, included waiting for permits, lacking of funds, and opposition from people who do not want to see Christians in their community, construction has been slow. It was just over two years ago that we moved onto the property for our first Sunday service.
At that point until now we have used a room that is a temporary sanctuary, because the main sanctuary has not yet been built.
Some work that has been done over the past few months:
Sunday school rooms (also used for community centre classes) have been completed above the temporary sanctuary
Landscaping completed at the front of the property
Water piped onto the property, flush toilets installed
But let’s face it, we’re all tired of saying “temporary sanctuary”. Quite often it’s been filled over-capacity. And the setup really is far from ideal for services.
Soooo…. you guessed it! It’s time to actually build the sanctuary!
The view below is taken from the second level, outside the Sunday School rooms and above the temporary sanctuary. The area on the left, filled with rubble (much of it from the pigsties that were originally on the property), is where the sanctuary will stand, Lord willing (the greyed-out area is an estimate).
We have most of the funds that we need to complete it. If we can finish off the Ixtapaluca Project, we will have all the funds that we need to complete the sanctuary, complete with stage and baptistery. The project is 97% complete – for more details, feel free to contact us here.
If you would like to be a part of completing the sanctuary, now’s your chance, because it’s about to happen! Find out how you can give here.
Also, pray with us and watch this space for more progress!
We just finished a crazy week with the team from Mt Calvary Church! We were a little disappointed that we couldn’t spend more time with them (one of Hannah’s school projects ended up taking over!), but we enjoyed the time we had.
Last Saturday was the soccer tournament. In spite of some trouble (again) with the permits (which apparently was not our fault), it went ahead. Here’s the winning team – from the church in Jesús MarÃa, no less! Jonathan, second from the left, did a great job sharing his testimony during the day.
On Sunday the team shared in the service, even doing a song in Spanish. In the afternoon, they led an event for the youth of the church.
On Monday we went to a local public Jr. High School, and took part in a rally. There were several hundred students – I’m not sure of the exact count. The team members joined various classes, and Hannah and Nathanael even got to join in. Shari and I helped out at a couple of the stations. The team helped in many ways, including their presentation of a skit.The Mt Calvary Team does a skit at the Jr. High.
On Tuesday and Wednesday there were various service project and outreaches – a youth girls and adult women event at the church (but with many people from the community who don’t attend our church), painting at a rehab centre, putting together wheelchairs, clean up and community improvements, and so on.
Thursday was a day of site-seeing and souvenir shopping downtown.Mt Calvary Team and others involved in the Chalco event
On Friday we had a big wheelchair/hearing aid event in the city of Chalco. Many people in need were given wheelchairs and hearing aids, as well as Bibles. They also heard a clear gospel presentation from Mayra Fry!Katelyn & Maddy, with Nathanael, Hannah and Shari
Last night there was a goodbye party for the team at the church, and this morning(?) at just before 5am we said goodbye as the team headed to the airport.
We were blessed to have Maddy and Katelyn stay in our home for the week as well!
Yes, a big week! But a good one. Thanks for your prayers!
I’ve been wondering how exactly I was going to cart around all these team members with a van that had … well, problems.
Yes, it’s been about a month we’ve been trying to get some things fixed. The adventures have involved visits to mechanics and parts stores, hours of driving around and walking around … I can’t believe it’s been a month.
Anyway, as of a few minutes ago, the repairs are finally done!
So we’re looking forward to the arrival of the team from Mt Calvary Church on Friday.
Some of the upcoming activities (things you can pray about!) include:
Giving wheelchairs to people in need
Soccer tournament outreach
Ministry at the church
Various other evangelistic activities
That’s all in the space of a week and a day. So thanks in advance for praying for this team!