Hebrews etc. on Sunday
Hi! This is a podcast with a report on our activities this past Sunday, including a sample. 🙂
Oh, and here’s a picture of the English class that Shari took:
Hi! This is a podcast with a report on our activities this past Sunday, including a sample. 🙂
Oh, and here’s a picture of the English class that Shari took:
It’s been a pretty interesting week! I won’t go into all the details, but there have been some interesting opportunities to share the gospel, and some new connections and contacts that may lead to new opportunities in the future.
We still have some van repairs to take care of – Lord willing that will happen tomorrow.
Tonight is study #8 in the Chronological Bible Study – the tabernacle and sacrifices. Learning about the sacrifices always opens my eyes anew to many important truths in the Scriptures.
Anyway, all that aside, I wanted to ask for prayer for Sunday. We’ll be going to a church about 45 minutes from here (on our side of Mexico City, so not too far). Lord willing we’ll spend the day there, hanging out with the believers and also helping out with an afternoon English class.
“a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul”
(It’s not just a matter of reading it, of course. There is a handout with questions for reflection, and a PowerPoint with the verses that the author quotes from the OT, with a few other illustrations).
Hebrews is just an amazing book. I think every culture and time has Bible books that are especially relevant – although all of Scripture is relevant and needs to be taught cover-to-cover in every culture and in every age. But Hebrews is one of the books I keep coming back to over and over here in the context of modern Mexico. It keeps shining more light into my soul every time I read it and study it.
Anyway, do pray that God would especially use His Word and make it clear on Sunday. It takes almost an hour to read the whole book (apparently that’s about the normal length of a sermon in this church, so that helps!). Obviously in that time it’s easy to lose your voice, energy, or limber tongue to make the Spanish understandable. 🙂
But most of all pray that people will listen, and that the Spirit will work in our hearts.
Now – time to get ready for tonight’s study (which actually is very important to our understanding of Hebrews as well!).
Below are a few odd clips from Hannah’s Quinceañera. I’m afraid they’re very odd, because we had some technical difficulties. So the majority of the actual program was not recorded.
We were very thankful for so many who graciously helped us put this party together. People cooking, setting up, cleaning, running sound, playing instruments, making banners, sharing in the program – the list just goes on and on. And, of course, we were blessed and honoured by the people who attended (about 115 people). AND – thanks for so many of you who were praying for the event!
We were especially thankful for the many wise words shared in the program. The gospel was clear, and there were other words of exhortation – not just for Hannah but for all of us. We were thankful to see the Lord glorified. Hannah did a great job, doing a lot of the planning. She chose some great music for worship, among many other details.
If you haven’t seen them already, there are lots of pictures in our Photo Gallery.
In the video you’ll see Hannah’s entrance and the introduction to the program, then some clips of people hanging out before the meal (with Hannah & friends handing out favours), the meal, and the cutting of the cake with the singing of some birthday songs.
This is a weekend that we’ve been looking forward to (and praying forward to!) for a long time. And I know that some of you have too!
Tonight, a group of students is coming to Ixtapaluca from a Bible institute north of Mexico City (Word of Life – some of you are familiar with them). This is a big weekend in Mexico, because it’s CHILDREN‘S DAY (on Saturday, but we can celebrate all weekend)!
Tomorrow the team will be doing presentations for kids, and a youth event, and who knows what else, in the neighbourhood of Santa Barbara, hosted by the Path of Life Bible Church here.
On Sunday, they’ll split up between the two churches, helping with Sunday school and music. Then in the afternoon they’ll do their children’s presentation twice – at 3pm in Las Palmas, and at 5pm in Jesús MarÃa. Busy day!
On Monday they will be doing some presentations in the local public Junior High. Now, there are I think 1500 students there, so they will be doing classes, 3 going at the same time every hour, from 7am until early afternoon.
Why not just do the presentations in two or three big groups? Well, apparently because of the current state of pollution, the school is not allowed to have classes outside. Never mind that they have classes in rooms with open doors and big windows with no screens a few metres away. ??
So – busy weekend! We’re still getting organized to make sure everyone is fed, and to be prepared for what happens and for the new people we’re looking forward to meeting.
Thanks for your continued prayers, for the Palabra de Vida (Word of Life) group, with students, as I understand, from various countries in Latin America, for us, for the other believers here who will be involved, and for the many who will hear God’s Word.
So what’s been going on over the last two and a half weeks?
We enjoyed having David Radlowsky here. He was around for a couple of weeks, learning about the ministry in the area. We went to Puebla, toured a Christian publishing house, and spent time with fellow missionaries Chalo and Beth (including some time downtown with Chalo’s Model T Ford). We also enjoyed visiting some people around Ixtapaluca, and then in Ixtapalapa as well. (Say that five times fast – Ixtapaluca, Ixtapalapa…)
There was a soccer tournament in Las Palmas on the 21st, and then we welcomed our friends Shelene and Alyson here for about a week and a half. We showed them around Ixtapaluca and Mexico City, enjoyed Resurrection Sunday here with our church family, and then headed to Taxco for a few days off with them, where we road cable cars and camels and had various other adventures.
Hannah and Nathanael are continuing with school. We’re struggling to keep up this year, with so many other activities going on. But so far so good.
I’ve been working hard to prepare orientation materials for new missionaries coming to the field. We’re creating packets with resources and requirements for missionaries at various stages, particularly at the beginning of their journey to serve here.
We’ve got some big things coming up this month. A retreat for our Camino missionary team in a little over a week. A visit from Shari’s parents. And – why are they coming again? Oh yes, for Hannah’s 15th birthday party! That will be a big deal. And the weekend after that, a big outreach event – actually four outreach events, over the course of four days!
As usual, we have emerged from cold season and have entered directly into hot season. So within the space of a month we’ve exchanged scarves and gloves for fans and sunscreen.
The practical parts of life are complicated as usual. Lately our water pressure has been turned way down during the day (and other random times), which means either you do laundry when people are trying to sleep, or you don’t do it. And showers are touch and go.
During that time, they’ll be thinking up new restrictions for the future.
So juggling transportation, and trying to be home when there’s water pressure, does make life interesting.
But right now I need to prepare for next week, get some things ready for the kids’ school, and deal with some practical matters. Talk to you later!