Retro: Flag Bearer
It was a proud moment when, ten years ago today, Hannah had the honour of being the flag bearer at her school, Colegio del Bosque in Cuernavaca. Here she is, getting ready to lead the procession!
It was a proud moment when, ten years ago today, Hannah had the honour of being the flag bearer at her school, Colegio del Bosque in Cuernavaca. Here she is, getting ready to lead the procession!
Would you like to help our church in a practical way? We need some Bibles!
Every Friday we have a Bible study with both adults and children from our church, and of course we have services and Sunday school on Sundays. Shari is in charge of the children’s ministry at the church, and she puts hours into making sure the kids are getting teaching that is biblical and fun!
These Bibles can be shipped to our door for about US$15.55 or CA$19.61 each (including shipping) from At the moment we need 6 Bibles, but of course if we get more we can use them for the adults and for more kids as the church grows. So if you like, you could get a single Bible, or get them all for around $100 or so.
Remember, these need to be sent to our address in Mexico, so if you’re interested, contact us directly for our address.
To order, use this link to make sure you get what we need:
Thanks for your help!
I’ve been thinking a lot about Jude’s words, and the meaning behind them, over the past few months, weeks, and days. Maybe I’m experiencing a little of what he experienced.
Titus was “very eager” to write about “our common salvation”. I can just imagine how he wanted to simply enjoy writing about the glories of Christ, and the wonders of the gospel. And of course, he does write about these things, but…
…but he has to write about them while constantly deflecting the arrows of false teaching that were being fired at the Church.
You may have noticed that it takes three times as long to talk about a passage of Scripture, when you have to talk about all the ways that people have taken it out of context or twisted it!
Of course, in this world we must do both – refute false teaching, and talk about the positive truth.
We may not always enjoy “contending” for the faith, but this side of heaven it’s part of life.
Why do we stray so far from the truth? I wonder if it’s our focus on ourselves – the more we focus on ME the less we see the glorious Christ – who He really is.
It’s sad to see so many false religious missing out on the beauties of the Truth. And missing the truth has consequences for people’s daily experience – and so we teach and preach not just to promote “accuracy” or a pet “doctrine”, but to fight for people’s very lives – their lives on earth and their eternal destinies.
At our church on Resurrection Sunday we enjoyed looking at part of 1 Corinthians 15. Paul discusses all kinds of interesting facts about the resurrection – how we will be raised, what our bodies will be like, when it will happen. But he ends with some words of encouragement.
Even death, he says, is conquered. We have the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. And then he concludes the thought with this:
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Whatever happens – whatever error people may follow, whatever appearances may be in the fleeting moment we call our lives – our labour is not in vain.
So day after day, week after week, we contend for the faith. We may grow weary, but it’s not in vain. Never in vain.
Last week we drove up north of Mexico City to Amealco, Querétaro, for an annual MK Camp! Lots of people were involved, but we especially appreciate Brock and Heather Hower, who hosted the event, and Tina, and Tina’s friends from the USA, and the speakers and … ok, like I said, a lot of people helped with a lot of things.
Thanks to everyone!
Art was a big theme this year, thanks to some tutoring from one of Tina’s friends. Many people produced works of art. Here are some of the campers hard at work:
And here are the artists at the end of the week (I’ll probably try to post hi-res versions of these photos in our photo gallery one day soon):
It was also cool to pray especially for Hannah, as she prepares to leave Mexico for school in Canada this coming year.
There are a lot of people in Mexico who have worse water problems than we do. In Mexico City, an aging system of pipes and water storage is constantly in need of repair. Neighbourhoods often go without water, and people have to line up to get a little for their home.
Usually, though not always, we have a little water on the outside tap. But there’s usually not water for laundry during the day, and often not enough water for a proper shower, and sometimes not enough water to do the dishes. It’s been a pretty steady problem since the earthquakes this past September.
Since the washing machine in the community centre (well, the building we’ve rented to house interns and have Bible studies, etc, in Las Palmas) isn’t being used right now, we decided to borrow it and put it on the lower level, where there is … more often … some water pressure.
The lovely sound of running water filled the house, and the laundry got scrubbed. Then the machine started to empty…
… backing up the drain, and pushing sewage water up onto the floor of our back “servicio” (a little covered semi-outdoor area where our water tank is) and threatening to flood our dining room.
So – next step? Find a plumber, and hope that there’s something that can be done, at least with that drain.
Since many of you ask, there’s a quick water update for you!